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Zen Habits That Will Transform Your Mind

Do you ever wonder how certain people remain calm in the midst of madness? Those folks who maintain peace and tranquility while the world around them is whirlwinds of chaos?

Well, my friends, this peace of mind comes from something we can all do: practice. Read through my 5 tips below and see what works for you.

  1. Visualize Your Best Moments

Building positive momentum starts with your mind. And you start by visualizing your most successful moments. Maybe it’s that time you aced a presentation, or nailed that workout routine, or finally kissed that boy you’ve had a crush on. Remember and feel the happy emotions you felt at the time. Realize that YOU created that moment, and you will do so again.

  1. Assess Your Environment 

Your everyday environment has a lot to do with your emotional well-being. Write down 7 – 10 elements that are important for you to have in your life. Whether they are in your home, office, or city/town. Ask yourself if the place you’re in matches some of the elements in your list. If not, work on bringing more of those elements into your life.

  1. Hang Around Great People 

Make an effort to befriend good people who support you – and make sure to do the same for them. You can make more friends by actively participating in activities you’re passionate about, like going to a language exchange or an entrepreneur-networking event. Remember, you are the friends you keep.

  1. Adopt Better Habits 

Practice daily habits like meditation, affirmations, exercising, visualizing, and reading. These small daily improvements will make a big difference over time.

  1. Take Action 

Write out a goal you have for yourself, and figure out one small action you can take right now that gets you closer to achieving it. Having a long-term goal that can be achieved by accomplishing daily or weekly, short-terms goals are the key to success.