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20 Questions with Ashley Rodriguez

Many of you are familiar with Ashley’s work on accounts like Tropical Smoothie Café and Massage Heights. The one who responds to your email within 60 seconds or less, you ask? Yepp, that’s her! A fearless leader with quick wit to match, Ashley’s as sharp as they come and Fish is lucky to have her. By the time you read through this, Ashley will have written two press releases, flawlessly handled a crisis situation and led a conference call, all while feeding her precious cat Yoshi and rambunctious puppy Lily. She’s just that good. Here are some other fun tidbits to help you get to know one of Fish’s MVPs a little better.

Work you and personal you likely differ slightly. So how would your friends describe you?
That I’m sarcastic, and I swear a lot.

And how would Lorne describe you?
I don’t know, but I assume he’d say good things since he keeps me around.

Bookworm or TV addict?
TV addict, 100 percent. I read too much during work hours and can rarely get myself to pick up a book otherwise. Plus, watching TV helps me stay in the loop on pop culture, which is important in PR.

What’s your funniest Fish memory?
Probably coming up with the wall of “Fishisms.” So many good memories all wrapped up into one hilarious wall.

If you were Lorne for a day, what would you do?
Create a brainstorming room full of hammocks. Because brainstorming from a hammock sounds both awesome and wildly effective.

Early bird or night owl?
Early bird. As much as I adore sleeping, I love the feeling of getting a ton done early in the morning.

What are you currently binge watching on Netflix?
Game of Thrones. Just watched the episode with “The Red Wedding” and… I can’t. I just can’t.

Tacos – hard shell or soft shell?
Depends on what I’m feelin’ that day. But I tend to lean toward hard shell.

If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
I’d give my body the power to once again tolerate gluten. I miss donuts and chocolate croissants.

If it were up to you, what would your song selection be for conference line hold music?
Probably something really empowering like “Eye of the Tiger” just to give myself an added confidence boost before a client call.

Bloody Mary or Mimosa? And you can’t say both, although I’d absolutely respect it.
Mimosas or bust.

You can bring anyone as a date to a dinner party, dead or alive, who’s your plus one?
John Stamos. Judge me if you must, but we all know he’s ridiculously handsome and you’d all be jealous.

We know you can’t sing, but what’s your go-to karaoke song?
Who said I can’t sing? I did a musical in high school, you guys! I don’t do karaoke, but in a group, middle-of-the-dance-floor sing-a-long type of situation, who doesn’t feel the urge to belt out “Don’t Stop Believin’”?

What’s your party trick?
I’ve mastered the “Irish exit.”

Pick your poison – straight shot or mixed cocktail?
Mixed cocktail.

Amy Poehler or Amy Schumer?
My gut says Amy Schumer because she just goes there.

If you could spend a year living anywhere in the world, where would it be?
Italy. Between the food, wine and art, I’d probably never come back. (Fish Consulting Italia, est. 2017)

When was the last time you told a lie? And if you say you don’t lie, then your answer should be “right this second.”
This morning.

Besides an ice cold cocktail, what motivates you?

If your name were an acronym, what would it stand for?
A mama to two fur babies
Secretly obsessed with jellybeans
Hershey, Pennsylvania, native
Loves writing
Eager to travel
Young at heart