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Why Massages Are Physically + Mentally the Best

When it comes to stress relief, we associate a few things with it – rainy movie days, staying in bed all day, and of course getting a massage. While massages are great for helping you relax, there are also therapeutic benefits, too.

It improves the body’s circulation. Good circulation helps your body’s healing process by delivering oxygen-rich blood to any part of the body in need of repair. Massage therapy can effectively promote healing of the muscles.

Helps with range of motion and flexibility. If you have a poor range of motion, it can make it difficult to carry out even basic tasks due to stiff muscles. Massages are a great way to help improve your range of motion, flexibility, and strengthen muscles.

Massages have been proven to Improve the immune system: They are also great to reduce anxiety and relive stress. Additionally, it can improve your ability to fight off diseases and stay physically and mentally strong.

It’s great for recovery because it reduces pain levels. We’ve all heard how exercise releases endorphins, and that’s not different for massage therapy. Massage therapy releases endorphins, which helps kill pain and promote a sense of wellbeing by increasing the pleasure hormone, dopamine, as well as the serotonin hormone, which improves mood.

Massages are good for the mind: Massages have a huge healing power over the mind! They activate the parasympathetic nervous system and increase dopamine while creating a relaxed state that encourages better focus and adequate performance, allowing you to feel and look your best.