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Tips to organize your to-do list

As PR pros, we’re constantly juggling a million things on our plate and we not only have to manage the workload but you also have to take into consideration the time that goes into completing these tasks — let’s just say it’s all about finding the balance.

So how do you know what to do first of spend the most time on? Here comes a word all PR peeps are familiar with: priority! It’s a fine art to learn how to make it a priority to prioritize when it seems like every task is urgent (I mean hello, PR is all about deadlines!) and while it sounds tough to juggle, it’s definitely part of the excitement of the job and ultimately part of the reward when you secure awesome coverage for your clients! Here are 7 tips from a recent article on that have helped my tackle my do to list:

  • Write your to-do list the day before
  • Make sure you have all the resources you need to complete the tasks on your list.
  • Set a time limit for tasks.
  • Keep separate lists for everything.
  • Apps and tools are great, but the old-fashioned way might be best.
  • Take back your inbox.