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Tips for your Morning Commute

Driving to work doesn’t have to be a drag. If you’re anything like me, you want to make the most of your time stuck in the car. Especially when your commute means being stuck in traffic for forty-five minutes! Let’s be positive here: that’s forty-five minutes of prime ME time! Here’s how I make the most of it:

Every morning starts off with NPR in my car. With my timing, I’m always turning the radio on when Up First is airing.

You will always catch me listening to podcasts on my drive home. Hidden Brain, Serial, Criminal and Planet Money are my top picks. When I have a long drive, we’re talking over an hour, I select from the long long list of The Joe Rogan Experience. Seriously, that guy can talk for hours. If you’ve never listened to Joe Rogan before, here are some of his best podcasts: He’s definitely able to provide entertainment!

Language Learning
Speaking of podcasts, have you ever looked up a podcast in your target language? Being in the car gives you the opportunity to practice your target language without the embarrassment of being overheard. Or you could play music from your target language and really avoid embarrassment when you sing at the top of your lungs. Livin’ la vida loca, baby!

Call your Family / Friends
Being stuck in a car for 45 minutes means I have plenty of time to talk with my mom. And talk and talk and talk. Seriously, she talks more than Joe Rogan. And with friends and family scattered all over the country, even as far as Oregon, my drive home doesn’t conflict with any time zones fiascos of “oops sorry I called you at 5am”.