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Things You Need to Know This November


We’re officially in the home stretch for 2016. We’ve made it through the Summer Olympics, Queen Elizabeth’s 90th birthday and an increase in physical activity thanks to Pokemon Go. As we enter into November, the month where everyone stocks up on stretchy pants in preparation for Thanksgiving and the start of the holiday season, here’s a condensed list of things that need to be on your radar.

Election Day

In an effort to not get political, I’m just going to remind everyone that November 8 is Election Day. May the most-tolerable candidate win, and God Bless America.


That’s how many Saturdays are left until Christmas. Eight more weekends to go shopping, make travel plans and decorate your house with mistletoe and garland. Are you in panic mode yet?

Flu Season

Not to be Debbie Downer, but the arrival of November also brings cold and flu season. Technically, flu outbreaks in the U.S. start as early as October and peak between December and February, but why leave November out of the mix? My mother has repeatedly asked if I’ve gotten my flu shot yet. Although the CDC does recommend everyone get the vaccine as the best form of precaution, I prefer other methods such as hand washing and regular use of Hand Sanitizer as to keep my hands as germ-free as possible, wiping down my desk with disinfecting wipes and the popular “elbow cough” method of using your elbow instead of your hand to cover your mouth when sneezing or coughing.

Hurricane Season

November 30 marks the “official” end of hurricane season. While that date may be irrelevant to most of the country, but statistically speaking, South Florida is kind of in the clear. While some areas are still feeling the after effects of Hurricane Matthew, this year served as a wake-up call to many: always be prepared and adhere to the warnings. As Matthew showed us, a tropical storm or hurricane can cause extreme damage at any level.