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The Ultimate Holiday To Do List

The holiday season is here and if you’re into it more than years before like me, your Christmas lights are already up and you’re tweaking your dinners to be a little more holiday-ish. This time of year allows us to sort of escape the reality of what we’ve been dealing with for the past 6+ months and enjoy the warmth and extra bit of joy that accompany the holidays. If you’re hoping to make the most of the last month of 2020 and are looking for new activities to check off this time of year, read through the following ideas I brainstormed and gathered from a little bit of online research. Enjoy!

  1. Donate to a children’s charity: Despite the ups and downs we’ve faced this year, we should feel extremely thankful if we – along with our families – are healthy and safe. That’s why if you’re willing and able to do so, find a local children’s nonprofit you can donate to. Whether it’s toys that’ll bring a smile to their face or volunteering your time, let’s try to give back to kids in our community who may not be as lucky as us. Spread the holiday cheer!
  2. Decorate your home: Whether you celebrate Hannukah or Christmas, bring out your home décor and transform your living room for the next few weeks. Time flies by so do it sooner rather than later.
  3. Shake up a new cocktail (or mocktail!): Peppermint, cranberry, cinnamon and chocolate are all common cocktail ingredients bartenders are whipping out during the holidays. So, take this time of year to give a new cocktail recipe a try with your significant other or family.
  4. Bake holiday cookies: Pick out a new cookie cutter, grab the red and green icing and get to baking. Good Housekeeping and Delish have a variety of holiday cookie recipes to check out.
  5. Go for a drive: As a kid, my parents would take my brother and I to look at holiday decorations around our neighborhood. Now, I do the same. I love to take a drive around South Florida and look at the lights and decorations.