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The Importance of Educating Franchise Owners on Crisis Communications

As we continue to adapt to the ever-changing landscape that is COVID-19, we’re constantly reminded of the importance of communication. Whether proactively informing customers of your company’s enhanced safety protocols, alerting guests about your company’s expanded takeout options or connecting with your franchise owners about assistance programs, the need to maintain an open dialogue is crucial for continued success. But what happens when a franchise owner runs into a situation you haven’t explicitly prepped them for or provided guidance on? With so much uncertainty surrounding COVID-19 and the sensitivity around health and safety, now is the perfect time to refresh your franchise owners on crisis communications protocol.

A mishandled crisis can impact your brand’s reputation, diminish consumer trust and negatively affect your bottom line. As a franchisor, it’s hard to have eyes on the ground at all times, which is why it’s so important that your franchise owners are educated on how to identify, handle and collaboratively resolve a potential crisis.

Recently, we put together a crisis communications presentation for our client, Authority Brands. With many essential businesses in their portfolio, the company recognized the importance of briefing their franchise owners on proper crisis communications protocol, so they felt informed, comfortable and prepared as they continued to operate their businesses. Our presentation provided insights into industry specific crisis situations that could occur, how best to handle the crises, steps for resolution and the dos and don’ts of social media engagement.

A crisis, whether minor or major, can strike at any time but the outcome will be determined by how well prepared and equipped you are to handle it. As your partner, we’re here to help and will continue to be a trusted resource for all crisis communication needs.