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The Era of Lasik

Over the past three months, four Fishies have gotten Lasik. The thought of having 20/20 vision was just too good to pass up. That’s not to say the procedure wasn’t a little scary. Having lasers shot at your eyes and temporarily going blind can make anyone hesitant, but each eye is less than 30 seconds and there are so many benefits!

You Save Money

Lasik is an investment and with procedures costing anywhere from $3,000 – $6,000, the upfront cost can put a damper on anyone’s budget. However, this is short-term! Think of how much you pay for contacts and glasses yearly. Personally, I was spending upwards of $1,000 a year for my daily lenses. Give that four more years and my surgery is basically paid for.

Long-Term Results

A common misconception is that Lasik will need a touch-up every two to three years. This is not the case. Lasik can last upwards of 20 years, with aging adults only needing to use readers after that time. Two decades of perfect vision is hard to beat!

Decrease Risk of Infection

There comes a point when you’ve worn contacts for years that your sanitary habits may become a little lax. I’d be lying if I said I hadn’t changed my contacts in the middle of bar…You just become so comfortable you forget how easily you can get an infection. Studies have proved that Lasik is safer than wearing long-term contacts, as your risk of developing certain infections or corneal abrasions due to misuse is reduced.