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Take Care Of Your Skin This Summer

It’s that time of the year again! The sun is hitting strong, and while that may be a great time to tan and enjoy some Vitamin D, it can also be a trying time for our skin. Living in Florida, I’ve learned the hard way the effects that this can do to your skin. Based on personal experience (and a little bit of online research), I put together a list of tips that will help keep your skin healthy during the hot summer season.

First, and I cannot stress this enough, sunscreen is your best friend this summer! Using high SPF is the best way to prevent your skin against sunburn, skin cancer, and overall skin damage. Same goes with applying lip balm – using one with SPF will help prevent cracked and peeling lips.

This may sound like a no-brainer, but you’d be surprised how many people forgot to hydrate (I am guilty of this, as my love for coffee continues doesn’t help). Drinking lots of fluids and water will also help keep. You skin moisturized.

Not only does this help improve your skin’s texture, but it’s great to detox and hydrate your skin.

To help with exfoliation, try some natural scrubs that you can use in the shower, or even use an exfoliation brush for about 30 seconds daily to help keep your skin glowing!