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Surviving the Post-Holiday Blues

Between the holidays ending and Mercury being in retrograde (yes, I believe in that stuff), there are some pretty bad vibes in the universe right now. However, now that it’s January 19 and we’ve been back in the swing of things for a few weeks, I’ve figured out a few tricks and tips to help overcome the typical January bummed-out-ness. Although admittedly coming back to work is a bit of a bummer after nearly two weeks of relaxation and family time, with the help of these tricks, January can be a great opportunity to get set up for an awesome year instead of reveling in the post-holiday blues.

  1. Get a hobby.

    Last week, I picked up an adult coloring book and I’m already obsessed. When I first heard that coloring was the latest trend and that some said it was comparable to meditation, at first I laughed it off. How could coloring possibly help me relax? I don’t know how exactly it works, but it does. In fact, I spent nearly three hours coloring on Saturday and it seriously put me in the best mood. Plus, at $10 a coloring book, it’s certainly cheaper than a yoga membership. Even if coloring isn’t your thing, challenge yourself this year to make time to do something for yourself that you genuinely enjoy.

  2. Know your limits.

    When you’re getting back into the swing of things, playing catch up can be extremely frustrating. You may feel inclined to take on a ton of work since there is so much to get done. Don’t do it, it’s a trap (much like growing up). You’ve been out of commission for two weeks, easing yourself back into it is the best route for your sanity. Don’t take on more than you can chew too soon.

  3. Dress up for work.

    At Fish, we’re allowed to wear sweatpants to the office, and it can be easy to just roll out of bed and show up looking like something the cat dragged in when it’s technically allowed. I’m never going to wear stilettos to work, but taking five minutes to comb my hair and put on a good pair of jeans and cute top does wonders on my mood. Looking good = feeling good. And yes, my idea of dressing up is managing to put pants on. To each their own guys.

  4. Treat yo self:

    If you’re like me and you went a teeny-bit overboard on the holiday spending, treating yourself may be the last thing on your mind. But even if it’s just buying yourself flowers or your favorite candy, do it. Treat yourself to the little things in life, especially when you’re feeling the peak of January blues.

  5. Netflix and chill:

    If you didn’t get the Parks and Recreation reference in #4, stop reading this blog and go turn on Netflix immediately. After a long day of work when you’re missing the freedom of the holiday season, sometimes the best remedy is zoning out to some hilarious, quality TV. The best antidote to post-holidays blues: Leslie Knope.

  6. Last but not least: get a job you actually enjoy.

    Call me crazy, but coming back to work isn’t that bad when you work at Fish.