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Staying Motivated When You’re Just Not Feeling It

We all have days where our mind is just not with the times, and some days, keeping yourself motivated to get stuff done can be plain hard. Some people have a routine when they wake up, which helps them stay on track for the day – making a cup of coffee, going on a run, etc. Here are some tips that helps me get through those days that are a little hard to feel motivated J

Design a goal – not a chore.
Honestly, I didn’t know there was a difference until I read about it.  Not that I have, it makes so much sense. When you set yourself a chore, your mindset automatically goes to “I have to do this”, but when you set something as a goal, you’re creating an abstract ambition that you want to do your best to get it done.

Find a way to reward yourself.
Some tasks are simply things you don’t’ want to do. If you’re like me, who hates mopping, those types of tedious tasks will never get done unless you force yourself. For those tasks you procrastinate when you’re not feeling it, find a way to reward yourself! For me, I tell myself I will open a bottle of wine if I do all my home chores – 9 out of 10 times, I’ll get it done 10x faster just to get it done and get to the wine.

Get social support from a friend.
Naturally, we’re social creatures. For me, if my friend is doing a workout class, I’m a lot more likely to join simply to feel a sense of social closeness. It also makes it hard to cancel a workout when you made plans with a friend. Find ways to include your friends into your routines!

Eliminate distractions
One of the biggest ways to break our productivity is a distraction. An unexpected text from a friend or a surprise album release can have you shift focus really quick. When you set a task that you’re needing to get done, try your best to eliminate these distractions (putting your phone on silent mode, etc.).