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Snack on this!

Office snacks have evolved from mere hunger fixers to enjoyable experiences that offer a delightful break from work. Maybe you’re looking for healthy and nutritious options or possibly a sweet treat to boost your mood. In our office, there are plenty of popular snacks to choose from! In this blog, I’ll take you on a mouthwatering journey as I share some of my favorite office snacks.

  1. Fresh Fruit and Nut Mixes: When it comes to healthy snacking (if that’s your goal), fresh fruit and nut mixes take the lead. Packed with essential nutrients, vitamins, and minerals, these delightful combinations offer a refreshing alternative to sugary treats. Whether it’s a mix of almonds, cashews, and dried cranberries or a medley of fresh berries, these snacks provide a satisfying crunch and a natural energy boost. My personal favorite.. amazon coffee cashews. SO good.
  2. Granola Bars: Granola bars have become a staple in the office for their convenience and versatility. With various flavors and ingredients to choose from, these bars offer a delicious blend of oats, nuts, seeds, and dried fruits. Whether you prefer a chewy or crunchy texture, granola bars provide a quick and wholesome snack to keep hunger at bay during those busy work hours. Or smash them up and throw them in a yogurt… below 😉
  3. Yogurt Cups and Parfaits: For those of you seeking a filling and protein-rich snack, yogurt cups and parfaits are my go-to choice. These pre-packaged delights come in a wide range of flavors and you can often find toppings such as granola, fresh fruit, or nuts available to mix in. The combination of smooth yogurt and crunchy toppings creates a delectable treat that is not only satisfying but also beneficial for gut health. And you can often find yogurt on sale!
  4. Vegetable Sticks with Hummus: For my health-conscious people out there, vegetable sticks paired with hummus have gained significant popularity. Carrots, celery, bell peppers, and cucumbers provide a refreshing and crunchy experience, while hummus adds a creamy and flavorful element. This snack is not only packed with nutrients but also offers a satisfying combination of textures and tastes. Try various flavors of hummus! I hear they have a chocolate hummus… hmmm.
  5. Popcorn: A classic and low-calorie snack, popcorn has become a beloved choice for office munching. Whether it’s lightly salted or flavored with spices like cheese, caramel, or barbecue, popcorn offers a satisfying crunch that can help curb those mid-afternoon cravings. Skinny pop FTW!!
  6. Dark Chocolate: Indulging in a little sweetness is never a bad idea, especially when it comes to dark chocolate. Rich in antioxidants and known for its potential health benefits, dark chocolate is a popular choice for office snacking. And who can say no to chocolate?!