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Smooth Onboarding is a Game Changer for New Employees

Starting a new job can trigger a range of emotions, from anxiousness to excitement, and everything in between. It’s a universal experience and no amount of preparation will alleviate the fear of uncertainty that comes ahead of your first day.

Every company has a different way of doing things; different platforms, preference of organization, manager styles, internal communication, billing, the list goes on. It’s not as simple as learning your coworkers’ names. Especially when starting at an agency where you’re also responsible for familiarizing yourself with all the information above across various client accounts along with their different objectives.

As you try and find your footing, it’s important to feel that you’re being set up to succeed. Which is exactly how my onboarding experience made me feel at Fish. I logged onto my laptop my first day and received a Teams message that contained a document titled, “Fish Onboarding Checklist.” This articulate guide served as a map to navigating my new role. From PTO procedures, password lists, video instructions and more, links to everything can be easily referenced all in one place. Any question you could possibly think of when starting a new role is answered within this document.

One of the best aspects of the onboarding process was that multiple people within the organization own different sections. For example, someone is responsible for teaching newcomers about crisis communications, someone else owns trade shows and awards, and the same for media relations. This is such a great process because it eliminates the chance of any section of onboarding being skipped over because everyone owns something. It also acts as an icebreaker to eliminate repetitive small talk when meeting new coworkers!

A learning curve is inventible when starting a new job, but the process can be accelerated.

When you invest in a well-executed onboarding process, it shows that the company is highly organized and cares about setting employees up for success. This fosters a sense of appreciation and motivation to deliver. My experience onboarding at Fish has made me feel so much more confident diving into my new role!