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Plants I Haven’t Killed on My Patio

Keeping plants alive is tough… for me. My animal squad is no issue but gift me a plant and I’m fearful for its life. Luckily, after a year, I’ve finally found a few plants that I managed to keep alive and dare I say: thrive! I started my journey with a simple Google search: what are the hardest indoor plants to kill. We may have had a few causalities (sorry girls) but I’m happy to announce ONE of my babies made it an entire year and still staying green.

Pachira aquatica AKA Money Tree
Tall, structured and elegant, the Guiana chestnut plant is pretty much indestructible. With a beautiful, braided trunk, this plant prefers indirect sunlight and can tolerate heavy watering.


Spathiphyllum wallisii AKA Peace Lily
The peace lily is one of the best plants you can buy to purify the air in your home, making it a long-standing, beloved favorite. If you’d like to see more of its white flowers bloom, keep the peace lily plant warm and out of direct sunlight. And keep away from pets!


Dracaena trifasciata AKA Snake Plant
The snake plant is tough to kill.. The leaves are typically stiff, sharp, and spikey. These plants will grow quite tall, just don’t forget to water it. But if you do, it’s ok! They can go for a month without water


Agloenema Chinese Evergreen AKA The Plant that Survived a Year with Marisa
Aglaonema can withstand excess watering, and it comes in a spectrum of colors, including green, pink, white, and red. Mine was struggling for a little while until I found that sweet spot. And during the struggle? It lived without a single brown spot. This plant is a trooper.