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New Year’s Resolutions That Won’t Stress You Out

Well, we are officially in January! Doesn’t it feel like 2020 started just a few weeks ago? Anyways, it’s that time of the year when many of us will look to set new goals that we’d like to accomplish in the next twelve months. While hitting the gym a few times a week would have been a normal New Year’s resolution, this time around might be different. Consider these small and achievable goals for 2021.

Eat more veggies + fruit – While going vegan might be intimidating and unattainable, try to commit to incorporating more fruit and vegetables into your diet instead. Greens, broccoli, carrots and sweet potatoes are great and tasty options. For fruit, try adding berries, which are known to be rich in nutrients and high in antioxidants.

Drink more water – Staying hydrated is an attainable goal many people can turn to if they’re trying to be healthier this year and prioritize their wellbeing. According to, hydrating more often can also help boost physical performance and increases brain function, plus energy levels.

Read a book – If we’ve learned anything in 2020 is that keeping our minds occupied and off the mess this world seems to be sometimes is a great way to distract ourselves. If reading is new to you, try setting monthly or quarterly goals so that it keeps you motivated to keep reading.

Choose herbal tea – Ditch the coffee and try drinking tea. There’s a variety of flavors you can find at your local grocery store. There are also lots of benefits to sipping on tea. Decreasing stomach bloating, lowering stress and boosting one’s energy are just a few of the many benefits you can expect.