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Motivational Monday

I’m a proud member of the “Hi Monday, you suck” club. If you’re a human in the M-F workforce, you’re probably right there with me. If you’re in my old life of the catering world, then Tuesdays are the WORST. When your weekend is over, no matter which day of the week it is, it sucks! There’s no way around it… or is there.

Here to share my motivational tips that work for MY Monday blues. If you do a quick Google search, there are probably over 100 articles with tips and tricks on how to stay inspired. Find what works for you. Find words to motivate you, move you, and make you ready to tackle the day.

Set your goals: make a list

I’m a huge fan of lists. I have SO many lists: to do list, workout list, shopping lists, random thoughts list, treat yourself list (very important). Checking off items from my list is the best feelings. Sometimes, I write down things that I’ve already completed, simply to check them off my list. Yes, it feels that good.

Take breaks

Working, working, working is no way to make it through the day. Especially a Monday. Your brain and body need breaks. Give yourself a break every couple hours, make it 5 or 10 minutes. Listen to a song, catch up with a coworker, eat a healthy snack or even take a quick walk. The come back to your work feeling refreshed and ready to get the job done.

Celebrate your wins

What’s more motivational than winning? A Monday win! That’s one way to motivate you through your entire week!! Setting goals and making lists are great, and once that list is done: rejoice!