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Life In Quarantine As Told By… The Kardashians

For my 4th installment of Life In Quarantine As Told By…it’s time to show some love to the pioneers of reality TV, The Kardashians. Yes, they have no talent. Yes, they’re famous because one of their sisters made a sex tape. Yes, they’re all rocking completely different faces and bodies than what God gave them and it’s lowkey creepy. That said, it’s hard to say if reality TV would be what it is today without their contributions, and for that these shameless characters have my respect.

When your grandma says she heard corona is a conspiracy and you ask where she heard that and she says “Facebook”


When Yoga Joint has been closed for 2 months


Most people: I wear my mask because I have empathy for others
People in the Ozarks on Memorial Day:


The rest of the world watching America


Making plans for when bars officially reopen


Greeting friends for the first time post-quarantine


Every parent when they hear schools are closed until fall


Quarantining with your roommate and their significant other


When the government approves socializing with groups of 10 or less


Dr. Fauci: wear a mask, wash your hands, stay inside


Joining another Zoom


When you realize you’ve gained the quarantine 15


When you have a dream you were out to eat at a restaurant and wake up


Breaking into synchronized dance with strangers when bars are reopened and the DJ plays savage


Me to myself when I survive another day in quarantine without having a mental breakdown


“So what’s it like working in PR during a pandemic?”