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It’s Official – Fish Finally Has a Book Club!

Of all the great things about being a Fish Consulting employee, in my opinion nothing beats our company culture. Lorne and the leadership team truly have a knack for hiring the right people not only for the job, but also for the office environment, and every time a new person joins our team they always seem to fit in seamlessly and have something in common with the rest of us Fishies. Whether it’s a love for the music of our queen Adele or an obsession with The Real Housewives and all things Bravo-related, we all seem to share a passion not only for public relations but for the little things we enjoy outside of work. While this might not necessarily be a requirement for having great relationships with your co-workers, it’s always fun to bond with teammates about the things we love that make us “us.”

When I first began working at Fish, I immediately bonded with several of my co-workers over our shared love of reading. Whether we were emailing one another reading lists or dishing on Skype about an amazing book we had just finished, it was apparent to me early on that much to my excitement not only was Fish full of talented PR professionals, it was also full of fellow book nerds. It was only a matter of time that we finally launched the Fish Book Club (props to Amanda for the great idea)! This new initiative is a great way for all of the Fish team to bond, recommend fantastic books to each other and make sure that we take time to let our brains rest and read something other than emails (in addition to being book nerds, we must admit that we all also share the workaholic trait).

So, I’m sure you’re dying to know – what’s the Fish squad reading first?! As our Club creator, Amanda picked the kick off book and she couldn’t have picked a better one. Right now, the entire Fish office is engrossed in the gripping novel The Husband’s Secret by Liane Moriarty – that is, with the exception of those of us who have already finished it because this book is IMPOSSIBLE to put down. The novel tells the story of three separate women whose lives are connected by a dark, earth-shattering secret one of their husbands has been harboring for decades. With every page turned, more and more revelations are revealed and we see how one mistake can have a devastating impact on the lives of others. At the risk of spoiling the book for my fellow readers who haven’t finished yet, all I can say is that the story leads up to an ending that will truly blow your mind.

On April 22nd, we’ll be hosting an office happy hour to share our thoughts on the story (no doubt the insane conclusion will be a hot topic of discussion). After that, Amanda will throw it to another member who will get to pick out the next Book Club selection. Keep following our blog to stay in the loop on what the Fish crew is reading next!