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How to: MOVE!

Let me tell you: moving ain’t easy. You’ve probably heard that before and I’m here to tell you it rings toooooo true. My fiancé and I recently bought a home during a pandemic and hurricane season. We couldn’t be happier in our new space, but getting settled in is a full time job. Seriously, I had to take more time off than I expected because I simply can’t perform two jobs (and keep my sanity). After a few melt downs and rocky days I can safely say we are MOVED IN.

Let me share my knowledge of how to move my top three most important items with you. Maybe you won’t share my melt down, but honestly, you most likely will 🙂

  1. Bedroom

May I suggest you start with the bedroom because news flash: you need a place to sleep. My way to tackle this project was to pack a suitcase – 2 week minimum – of all the clothes and bathroom items I would need to survive. Yes, I survived and had 2 days of untouched outfits.

  1. Kitchen

Your girl loves to eat and here’s where I messed up: I skipped kitchen. Our first night we ordered Chinese, all good here. Food arrives and guess what: no utensils. That’s right. We used a single chopstick and I drank my soup from the container. The next morning I grabbed my camping box, which contained disposable, biodegradable cutlery  and plates. Crisis averted.

  1. Squad

Our squad consists of 3 dogs and 4 cats. Getting the squad over took a day… or two. We didn’t want a tornado of paws in the house all at once, so we spaced it out. Dogs first because cats honestly don’t care if you’re home.