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Holiday Survival Tips – Wine and Food Included

When you think of the holidays does it convey a picture of a perfectly cooked turkey, family dinners filled with laughter and perhaps the perfect New Year’s Eve kiss? If it does, it’s a Christmas miracle. The holidays are never easy so as we enter the most joyful time of the year,  I thought it might be helpful to offer up some holiday survival tips.

  • Think twice about bringing home that new beau you’ve been seeing– 21 questions with family members during the holidays can get really awkward, really quick.
  • Expect your mom or nagging aunt to be a PIA – just because it’s Thanksgiving or Hanukkah doesn’t mean they are going to change their ways – adjust your expectations.
  • Staying with family can get stressful. Consider going away this year with your friends or significant other – balance the holidays with some time to yourself at a relaxing spa or winter getaway.
  • If you’re holiday gathering is feeling dull, bring up politics! It’s a sure way to start a lively conversation.
  • Eat up in November and December – you’re inevitably going to vow to work out more and eat healthier as your New Year’s resolution. Indulge while you can.
  • Wine, lots of it but watch out for the drunk uncle or weird cousin – we all have one.
  • Most importantly, be thankful. Life is too short, let go of any family drama and animosity – it’s the holidays, pretend you like your family. J