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When did this phenomenon of giving everything a hashtag begin? And more importantly, why am I so obsessed with it?

Sure, hashtags were initially created as a method for online users to follow and discuss popular topics and relevant issues, but what’s more relevant than brunch? Brunch deserves a hashtag, and thanks to the power of the people, my Instagram feed on Sundays is usually filled with hashtags about brunch and accompanying photos (#SundayFunday with a group picture of everyone you’re dining with. #MimosaMe accompanied by a photo of cheap “champagne” and orange juice. #BreakfastOfChampions alongside bloody Mary’s and bagels).

A strong hashtag is almost expected for anything you do these days on social media. To lessen the insurmountable stress you likely feel when thinking of a hashtag, I’ve provided a few below that cover a wide range of activities. #Enjoy!

  • Bachelorette party cruises? #LastSailBeforeTheVeil
  • Dinner (wine) with friends on a Wednesday? #WineDownWednesday
  • Proud of your significant other when they do something right? #MyBooKnowsWhatToDo
  • Flexing your muscles on the beach? #SunsOutGunsOut
  • Had too many margaritas last night and can’t adult until you’ve had coffee? #NoCoffeeNoWorkee
  • Just woke up, look like a hot mess, but still have a burning desire to post a selfie? #IWokeUpLikeThis