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Happy Father’s Day to Our Favorite Dudes!

Many of us at Fish aren’t afraid to admit that we are, and always will be, daddy’s girls. From teaching us some of life’s most important lessons and encouraging us to get back up when fall to showing us how a woman should be treated/respected, our dads have always been there to guide us, comfort us and love us unconditionally. Also, we apologize for how we acted when we were teenagers, but hey raising girls is fun right?!

Today is a day to honor our dads, the men who have brought so much joy and fun into our lives. Special shout out to Lorne and Bernie, our resident dads! Thanks for making the Fishies an extension of your family, we sure love ya!

I love my dad because he is always there for me and I know I can tell him anything without judgement. He is also responsible for giving me great taste in music. (Dad, thanks for forcing me to listen to The Rolling Stones and Led Zeppelin when I was 9 no matter how hard I begged you to turn on The Spice Girls and Britney Spears.) – Sam

My father is my twin – same sarcasm, same face and lack of patience. I give him so much credit for raising two teenagers as a single dad. My favorite memory is walking into Mangos in South Beach and seeing him kick off his shoes to salsa by himself in the middle of the dance floor with a bottle of Belvedere in hand. Plus, he didn’t ground me when I threw a house party and MTV filmed it. Still waiting on him to show me the footage though. – Shannon

From bringing flowers to every dance competition and recital I had to being my place of comfort when I was scared at swimming lessons, my dad has always been there for me. He’s the most hardworking man I know and has always put his family first, which is a quality I admire and respect immensely. I’m so proud to be his daughter and am thankful to have this lovable goofball in my life for good. – Nikki

Favorite thing about my dad is his moral compass and advice. He always knows how to guide me through whatever I’m facing and I wouldn’t be the person I am without him. And the abundance of dad jokes I get on a daily basis – they’re kinda funny. – Natalia

My favorite thing about my dad is that he is the male version of myself, so we love to do the same activities (fishing and being on the water) and laugh at the same types of jokes. Plus, he is very outgoing and known as the “mayor” to his friends. – Ali

My mom has always said I am the female version of my father – so what’s not to love about this guy? While I am very much my mother, my constant desire to have fun, laugh, make others laugh, and not sweat the small stuff comes from my dad. He’s supported me through all my crazy ideas – going to college 1,000 miles away, studying abroad, running marathons – and I know he’d do anything for me. – Ashley

Being a father to three girls may not be easy (or cheap) but my dad is one-of-a-kind. He’s taught me everything important in life; how to stand up for myself, how to manage my money, how to keep my ego in check and how to stay true to myself. He supports me and my crazy animal squad (and I’m pretty sure they love him more). He’s fiercely loyal to his family. He cares deeply for each and everyone one of us and we are so so lucky to have him. – Marisa