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Guide To A Fabulous Quarantine Birthday

One thing all of my friends and family know about me – I love birthdays! Whether I’m celebrating a loved one or myself (hehe), I feel a birthday is the perfect excuse for some self-love. I mean, we get ONE day out of the entire year, might as well indulge a little bit.

Unfortunately, the Pisces and Aries babies around the world have faced the likes of a quarantined birthday, myself included. Nonetheless, some social distancing shouldn’t stop anyone from celebrating their special day, even if it is 6 feet away from everyone. So, if you have a birthday or want to make a birthday special for someone in your life, follow the fabulous birthday guide below and you’ll barely notice there’s a global pandemic going on.

  1. Nothing says birthday more than brunch! Whip up some pancakes and Quarantini to start your day off right. Personally, I’m making myself a special Birthday Blood Mary, my favorite drink of all time. It’s the little things in life.
  2. Get all dolled up, even if it is for a day of being around the house. While you’re at it, throw on a birthday sash! It will make you feel special and important because, guess what, that is exactly what you are on your birthday.
  3. Bake yourself a cake. You now have all of the time in the world to experiment with that recipe you favorited four months ago. Don’t worry if it comes out bad, you may be the only one seeing it or tasting it.
  4. Log online and treat yo’ self. Online shopping is sure to give you that instant birthday gratification. So, buy that yoga set with the leggings you’ve been dying to wear that will inspire you to workout during isolation. Yes, it is worth it.
  5. A CRUCIAL aspect to any quarantine birthday – Facetime parties! Cannot emphasis this one enough. Especially if you are in quarantine completely alone, it will remind you that you are loved, even virtually. Figure out how to work Zoom (buzz word alert) and dial-up your friends and family all day long while sipping on your favorite moderately priced red wine.
  6. Lastly, throw a ~themed party~. Whether it is virtually or with the people you’re in quarantine with (groups less than 10 please!), it is completely possible to still have yourself a party. A few ideas I’ve seen circulate through my Facebook include murder mysteries, pizza parties, and karaoke jams.