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Five New Years Resolutions to Have a Productive 2016

There’s no denying that the “New Year, New You” concept is cliché and overplayed, but there is some value in the idea of kicking off a new year with a fresh slate. 2015 was a great year for me: I started working at Fish! However, on the heels of a great year I’m motivated to do my best to make 2016 even better. Here are some of my new years resolutions that I hope will help me make this New Year the most productive one yet.

  1. Make priorities and actually stick to them. I’m the queen of failing to prioritize things that I know are important because I get too busy or say yes to everything without realizing how thin I’m already stressed. This year, I hope to start each day by outlining what needs to be prioritized and do my best to not get side tracked.
  2. Eat healthy and exercise. Having a healthy lifestyle is a lot more important than just looking good. Last year, I started to eat healthier and noticed an immediate spike in my energy – I even found that some mornings I didn’t even need a cup of coffee (INSANE, I know). I hope to maintain and be even more committed to these healthy habits so I can be my best self both at work and at home.
  3. Honor work/life balance. Although I’m usually pretty good about coming into the office a bit early so I can head home in time for dinner, 9/10 times I spend my time at the dinner table talking about work. It’s OK to discuss how your day went, but I have no doubt that my boyfriend doesn’t want to spend 30 minutes listening to me go over everything I have to do the following day. Being busy and stressed is the nature of the PR game and that’s never going to change, but this year I resolve to do my best to leave my stress at the office where it belongs.
  4. Don’t be so emotional. Admittedly, I am the type of person who cries at every single humane society commercial and feel-good story on the Today Show, but this year I’m going to do my best to keep my emotions about of my work and remember it’s PR, not ER.
  5. Be grateful. In the middle of a fire drill or a stressful day, it can be easy to forget how much I love my job and how lucky I am to be working in the field I’ve always wanted to work in. Being grateful is the key to success, and something we should all prioritize as we head into 2016.

Let’s make this year a great one!