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Don’t Stress the Mess – Ways to Make Thanksgiving Cleanup Quicker

Thanksgiving is all fun and games until you realize the huge mess your family made prepping the turkey day feast. That cleanup can take hours and when you are in a food coma, cleaning is definitely the LAST thing you want to be doing. So, prep for Thanksgiving ahead of time and save yourself the hassle – and the stress! Below are a few tips from our wonderful client, The Cleaning Authority, that will help you cut down on your annoying cleanup duties.

Line the trash cans with trash bags: During prep/cleanup, you’ll be surprised at exactly how much trash get thrown away (wrappers, paper towels, cups, paper plates etc). If you line the trash can with extra bags, once one bag heads for the dumpster you’ll be ready to start filling again immediately!

Use liners: If you’re making something in the crockpot, use a liner bag. After the meal wraps up, you can throw the entire bag away without having to soak and clean the crockpot. You can also line the bottom of the oven with tin foil for the same purpose and can use non-stick foil or parchment paper on your baking sheets to help ease cleanup as well.

Give leftovers to guests: Before Thanksgiving, buy a handful of inexpensive Tupperware. Once all guests have finished eating, start packing meal-sized portions of the food into each Tupperware and give to guests as they head out. This leaves guests with an additional delicious meal and leaves you with more space in your fridge!

Use a tablecloth: We love our little ones, but they can make quite the mess. So to catch all their crumbs, cover the table with a tablecloth. After your guests head home, take the cloth outside and shake it clean. Then, simply throw it in the washer!