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Doing Good While Doing Well

Corporate philanthropy is a great way to grow your network, build your brand and champion a cause dear to your company. Beyond monetary contributions, the holidays are the perfect time to gather your colleagues and donate your time to a group volunteer effort.

Here are some ideas to “do good while doing well” during the holidays:

  • Ask your colleagues to vote on a community service initiative that is meaningful to them
  • Host a toy drive at your office
  • Volunteer your time at a children’s hospital – ask the communication’s department at the local hospital what their biggest needs are during the holidays. Gifts? Reading to the children?
  • Food banks are in need of extra volunteers during the holidays
  • Adopt a family – collect ingredients for a complete Thanksgiving meal for a local family who might be struggling
  • Look inside your organization – has a colleague recently gone through a traumatic event? Brainstorm ways you can help them through the holidays as grief can make this time of year particularly painful

The sole purpose of volunteering is not so you can get your company in the news but it’s never a bad idea to pitch a feel good story during the holiday newsroom slowdown. Who doesn’t love to read about a company donating holiday gifts to a local children’s hospital or helping a family in need? During the holidays, people want to read about the good in the world. Every day, we’re subjected to the latest shooting, impeachments updates and latest sex scandal being shoved down our throats. Close out 2019 on a high note – your efforts will be much appreciated.