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DIY: Creating your own surface cleaner

As you know, COVID-19 the outbreak has caused majority of the United States to be on lockdown with only essential businesses being open. With so much uncertainty circulating throughout each community, it has caused a lot of chaos and panic in the supermarkets, ultimately leading to a shortage of paper towels, toilet papers, and cleaning products. Personally, I have tried every supermarket in a 10 mile radius (5 times each) and have had no luck finding majority of these supplies.

Luckily, we work with home cleaning experts here at Fish Consulting. Working with them has given me some neat insight on how to create my own natural cleaners using common household items. If you’re having trouble finding cleaning products, this might be helpful for you too!

  • Coconut oil: An easy and natural fix to clean your stainless steel appliances is to use coconut oil! With a microfiber cloth, gently rub a teaspoon of coconut oil in a circular motion over the stainless steel appliance. Then, remove the excess with a new, dry cloth.
  • White Vinegar: Vinegar is one of the most common household items that just about everyone has, even if they don’t know it. If you always seem to have spots on your shower door, you can easily soak a few paper towels in distilled white vinegar, then lay them over the splotches in a single layer. Let the paper towels sit for 15 minutes. Once the time is up, remove them, rinse the area and wipe dry. Because the spots are caused by mineral build up form hard water, they can be prevented by simply wiping down the doors after you shower.
  • Lemon & Salt: Lemon and salt are two other very common household items that are perfect for cleaning glass. Although it’ll take a little bit more elbow grease than using white vinegar, it’ll still get the job done. Just cut the lemon in half, dip one half in salt and scrub away! The abrasives of the salt and the acidity of the lemon eats away the soap scum and mineral build up, keeping your shower doors shining. Then, if you add some lemon juice to the shower doors after cleaning, it can keep them spotless for longer, helping you get the most out of your cleaning time!
    • Don’t have lemon? Replace it with grapefruit! Although it may be a less common household item, it works just as well!