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Couples That Work Together, Stay Together? 

When I realized that my boyfriend and I were going to work from home together, I was excited. I had imagined a scenario where we made each other breakfast, talked over our morning cup of coffee and helped keep each other stress-free. But, being ‘trapped’ in a house together for weeks has changed my perspective of that movie-like scene. Instead, we argue over who gets to use the office chair, who takes conference calls too loud and who doesn’t take enough breaks. Don’t worry, we figured out how to make it work and I’m sharing my tips below 

Set some boundaries

Let your significant other know your daily work schedule each morning. If you know you have a lot of conference calls that day or need to put together a strategy or plan, make it known so they know to keep the music/tv to a minimum. If you both need to take calls simultaneously, figure out where they will take place. One of you can take ownership of the office or guest room, while the other uses the living room or dining room. Compromise!

Make a schedule

If you can plan your workflow around each other, do it! For example, if you agree to work from 9am-12pm and then take a break from 12pm-1pm, you’ll both be able to prioritize your work and your time together. Mirroring your schedules as closely as possible will help avoid any potentially irritating distractions 😛


When the workday is over, make a conscious effort to close the computer, put down the phone and unwind. Make dinner together, pour a glass of wine and resume ‘normal’ life. We’ve noticed that since we started working from home, we tend to work longer hours and it’s important for us to maintain a work/life balance. Turn on Netflix and relax! You get to do it all again tomorrow 