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Books >>> Cell Phones

My name is Shannon and I’m an addict, a phone addict to be exact. It’s not an addiction I ever thought I would have. Mainly because I don’t like talking on the phone, I only have a handful of people I enjoy corresponding with and I’m not a big social media person (except for Instagram, I loooove Insta. I spend many a nights going down the rabbit hole of the explore page or logging into my bff’s Facebook page to creep on people I went to elementary school with – I guess I am a social media person after all, ugh). It’s the last thing I look at before I go to sleep at night (sorry husband!) and the first thing I check in the morning. Not to mention, I walked into the gym last night and had a complete meltdown…I left my phone at home! I was on the verge of leaving because how could I ever workout without a phone, no music, no Instagram!? I realized my addiction was bad when I was willing to forgo physical activity. So long Summer ’19 beach body.

Phone service app Visible recently conducted a survey to see how bad people’s phone addictions are, the results are… interesting. 77% percent of people surveyed said they would “gladly give up caffeine” instead of their phone for a week and 54% would give up NETFLIX. This made me feel better about my addiction because I for one would never give up caffeine and NETFLIX is life.

I’ve rediscovered my love for reading and it has been magical. It had been almost

6 months since the last time I read, so I schlepped down to the Fort Lauderdale Public Library and signed up for a library card. Since then, I haven’t been able to put a book down. So much more interesting to get lost in a murder mystery than swiping through photos of people you don’t know or care about. Here are a few books I’ve read over the past two months that I highly recommend:

  • The Kept Woman, Karin Slaughter
  • The Woman in Cabin 10, Ruth Ware
  • Kitchen Confidential, Anthony Bourdain
  • The Autumn Balloon, Kenny Porpora
  • Dark Places, Gillian Flynn