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Beat the Heat: 5 Refreshing Ways to Stay Cool

Florida summers means one thing: it’s HOT. The sun is strong down here in the south, and keeping cool becomes a top priority. Hot days can be uncomfortable and even dangerous if not managed properly. But fear not, because in this blog, I’ll share refreshing and effective ways to beat the heat and stay cool on scorching summer days.

Remember, taking care of yourself during hot days is not just about comfort, but also about maintaining good health! So, whether you’re sipping on a cold drink, enjoying a frozen treat, or finding shade under a tree, make sure to keep these strategies in mind and have a cool and enjoyable summer!

  1. Hydration is Key: The most essential step to staying cool is to stay hydrated. Drink plenty of water throughout the day to replace fluids lost through sweat. You can also enjoy hydrating foods like watermelon, cucumber, and citrus fruits.
  2. Dress Wisely: Opt for lightweight, loose-fitting, and breathable clothing made from natural fabrics like cotton. Linen is a great option, too. Or be like me, and wear lululemon all the time 😉 Light colors reflect sunlight and keep you cooler than darker shades.
  3. Cooling Accessories: Invest in cooling accessories like handheld fans, misting spray bottles, and cooling towels. Personally, my mini fan has cat ears and it’s a portable charger! Too cute.
  4. Enjoy Cold Treats: Indulge in icy treats like popsicles, gelato, and frozen fruit. These not only provide a delightful treat but can also help lower your body temperature.
  5. Take Cool Showers: A quick cool shower can work wonders on a hot day! Not only does it lower your body temperature, but it also helps you feel refreshed and revitalized. Because you’ve been sweating.. a lot.