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Why Facebook Advertising is AWESOME

As mentioned in my “Pay to Play: 3 Reasons Why Paid Social Advertising is Better than Just “Doing” Social Media” blog, I LOVE Facebook advertising!

Facebook is an extremely powerful social media platform that just recently surpassed the 1 billion-user mark. It’s no surprise thousands of companies use it to market their services and products! However, there’s so much to learn about Facebook marketing it can be a little overwhelming. Because of this, some entrepreneurs choose to join network marketing companies so that they have plenty of resources at their fingertips. You may be wondering what is world wide dream builders and it’s a network marketing company that encourages entrepreneurs to come together and help one another using lines of affiliations. Facebook can be a great tool to use for businesses because it is so widespread, making it so companies can advertise locally and globally all on one site. According to The SEO Bros and other companies, there are 74% of high-income earners on the platform, making it possibly a highly-profitable venture.

With a surplus of information on its users, that’s exactly what makes Facebook advertising so successful…data.

So where and how does Facebook gather this data?

  1. Because they are geniuses aka social scientists/engineers.
  2. Multiple marketing partners.

With big names like Datalogix, Epsilon and Axiom, you’re pretty much guaranteed to reach your target audience in more ways than one.

Acxiom executives have said their database ALONE contains information on 500 million consumers worldwide, with an average of 1,500 data points per person.

Just shopped at Target? Grabbed your morning coffee from Dunkin’ Donuts? Love organic produce? Yup, Facebook probably knows.

But how and where can you as a business owner take advantage of all this amazing data? Let’s take a mini tour of the magical world us social media marketers like to call the Facebook Ads Manager!


Based on your social media strategy, Facebook advertising most likely has an objective to fit your needs. You can send people to your website, increase web site conversions, gain app downloads, etc. The more app downloads you have, the better the likes of in app advertisements will work, as you may be able to generate more revenue by serving advertisements. Not only will this prove to be beneficial for your app, but it could also help with your brand awareness too. Just to give you some insight into how some of these aspects work, let’s select the boosted post option.

The purpose of boosted posts is to get more people (who you specifically target) to see and engage with your selected post.


You can select zip codes, age, gender, all the regular stuff…but it’s the “detailed targeting” section where it gets really interesting…


There are three main sections: demographics, interests and behaviors.

From there you can find users who fit your target audience. Do they need to be interested in Fast Casual restaurants? Do users need to earn a certain amount of money? Looking for users interested in coffee? Facebook advertising has your back with 434,284,360 active users on Facebook.


You can get as detailed, or as broad as you need to, but remember, in order to use this awesome data – you’ve gotta pay to play.

For fun, here are a few examples of the crazy (and sometimes creepy) data that Facebook advertising knows about you:

The age of your car…


How many lines of credit in your household…


If you’re in a long distance relationship…


Ready to take your social media strategy to the next level? Contact us today!