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20 Questions with Lauren Dunaj

When Lauren walks into the office her smile is as big as her knack for public relations. Besides lighting up the room with her positive energy, Lauren brings her knowledge and creativity to everything she does at Fish. A self-proclaimed bookworm, Lauren is the first person we call to proofread a plan or help talk about a national pitch idea. Since day one, she’s landed big profiles for her clients and so much more. We hope Lauren loves her Fish fam almost as much as her own family, but we know they are her whole world. Of course, she has a pup named Chloe (must be an animal lover at Fish!) and two super cute kids. Want to get to Lauren some more? Read on!

Work you and personal you likely differ slightly. So how would your friends describe you?
Outgoing, positive, always up for an adventure, loves to travel and go to the beach, and my family is everything to me.

And how would Lorne describe you?
A hardworking, driven team player who could probably stand to chill out a bit since it’s “PR not the ER,” as he says.

Bookworm or TV addict?
Bookworm! I started reading a book per month during the pandemic when I joined a virtual book club with women from all over the country. We all met through a mutual friend and continue meeting every month 2+ years later to discuss whatever book we chose to read.

What’s your funniest Fish memory?
So many, but basically every moment at SALT7 for summer fun this year.

If you were Lorne for a day, what would you do?
Go on a vacay and turn on the OOO auto responder!

Early bird or night owl?
Early bird!

What are you currently binge watching?
I love comedies that are an escape from reality. I absolutely love re-watching shows that aired years ago, so right now I’m rewatching Schitt’s Creek and Superstore. But The Office is a regular go-to!

Tacos – hard shell or soft shell?
Soft shell all the way!

If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
Nothing baby, I’m flawless. Obviously kidding — most likely that I could stress less about things that may happen and aren’t in my control.

If it were up to you, what would your song selection be for conference line hold music?
Probably something you’d hear on a tropical island with a margarita in hand.  

Bloody Mary or Mimosa? And you can’t say both, although I’d absolutely respect it.
Mimosa, but only with a tiny splash of OJ! 

You can bring anyone as a date to a dinner party, dead or alive, who’s your plus one?
Ryan Reynolds!

We know you can’t sing, but what’s your go-to karaoke song?
Girls Just Wanna Have Fun!

What’s your party trick?
No party tricks but ask me about the time a Senator saved me from the mountain in Colorado when I was skiing. It’s a good story that luckily didn’t end with me falling down a 11,000-foot vertical drop.   

Pick your poison – straight shot or mixed cocktail?
Depending on where we are, I could go for either!

Amy Poehler or Amy Schumer?
Amy Poehler! I still love Parks and Rec and it is in the rotation of shows I rewatch from time to time.

If you could spend a year living anywhere in the world, where would it be?
Italy, because the food is amazing, there is no shortage of things to do and incredible places to experience. Plus, we have family that lives there and I’d love to learn more about our family heritage.

When was the last time you told a lie? And if you say you don’t lie, then your answer should be “right this second.”
Probably this weekend when I told my husband I wasn’t ordering anything else from Amazon!

Besides an ice-cold cocktail, what motivates you?
My husband and my two children, Jack and Madelyn. They are my entire world!

If your name were an acronym, what would it stand for?
L – Loyal
A – Authentic
U – Understanding
R – Relentless
E – Enthusiastic
N – Nice