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Move This Month: August

Hello, September! If you’re anything like me, you need a little inspiration to move from your desk. Well, I’d like to introduce myself: your daily dose of inspiration. This month we’re working on our form so I’ve selected workouts that are great to repeat and nail that form!

Below you’ll find my routine for the month of August. Get MOVING!

Shoulder taps
Shoulder taps are an active move that require you to use your palms to alternately touch the top of your opposite arm while holding your body still. It may sound simple, but just wait until you try it. You’ll need an engaged core and some serious arm strength to pull off this exercise.

When practiced from different angles, lunges are also a functional movement. Functional movements can help you work muscles in ways that benefit everyday movements you do outside of exercising. For example, side lunges help strengthen the muscles your body uses to move and change direction.

Wall sits
The wall sit exercise is a real quad burner, working the muscles in the front of your thighs. The wall sit builds muscular endurance which delays fatigue and allows athletes to perform optimally for longer periods of time.

Side step squats
Side-step squats are fairly self-explanatory. Stand straight with your feet next to each other and then flex your knees and hips as you squat straight down. Keep your knees and hips bent as you step to the right, spreading your feet shoulder-width apart or a bit wider. Lift your left foot, bring your feet back together and then stand up.