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3 Ways to Lower Your Electricity Bill This Summer

Summer is here! And we Floridan’s LOVE our A/C. Being a new homeowner, I get to see the bills creep higher and higher as we approach our hottest months of the year. Last year, I was blissfully unaware of how substantial this change is! Of course, I went to the internet for help and below are my top 3 tips

  1. Reprogram your thermostat

Set the A/C to 78 degrees or higher. The A/C is the largest consumer of energy in most Floridians’ homes, and the one that puts in the most overtime when the summer heat is at its highest. Set the thermostat to 78 degrees or higher when cooling to maximize energy savings. According to Duke Energy, for every degree the thermostat is set above 78, customers can save up to 10 percent on their cooling costs. And remember to clean your A/C and change your filter!

  1. Turn on your ceiling fans

A ceiling fan is a great tool to use alongside your air conditioner. According to Smart Energy, a ceiling fan will cool the room by approximately 4 degrees, allowing you to then turn the thermostat down accordingly.

  1. Close doors & vents

If you’re at home, closing doors and A/C vents in rooms that are not in use can help make your cooling system more efficient. By not wasting energy cooling rooms that no one is in, it takes less energy (and money!) to keep you comfortable.