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How to Recreate Your Own Spa Oasis at Home

With so much time being spent in the four walls of your home or apartment, it’s easy to get bored. Especially when there’s only so much you can do at home. One of the things I miss the most is going to the spa, and the other day I thought, well why can’t I recreate this at home? So I did! If you’re looking for some ideas to turn your home into your own personal spa oasis, here are some tips:

  • To recreate the ambiance of a spa, focus on the color palette and minimalistic design. White, lavender, and light hues of blues and greens, sprinkled with simple plants, create a more serene environment.
  • Use essential oils to help alleviate certain ailments: chamomile or lavender to help you relax and eucalyptus for sinuses, for example. Dead sea salt can help with inflammation and swelling.
  • Avoid any harsh lighting and choose a relaxing soundtrack without any words.
  • Pamper yourself with a plush bathrobe, slippers and towel during your spa day.
  • Create your own face mask, which can be done with bananas and avocados. From there, slide into a warm bubble bath, where you can let the face mask dry.
  • Try making your own hair mask by mixing together an avocado, half a cup of honey, two tablespoons of olive oil and an egg yolk. Leave it in your hair for at least 30 minutes to strengthen and moisturize your hair and scalp.
  • While laying down, apply cold cucumbers to reduce around-the-eye swelling.