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COVID-19 Recommended Media Protocol

As to be expected, media is almost exclusively covering stories about COVID-19 – from hard hitting business news, to human interest stories that highlight how communities are coming together to overcome this pandemic.

Whatever the angle, there’s a chance that you and your teams will be contacted by media with questions or interview requests related to COVID-19, and if that happens, we want to ensure that everyone is prepared. That said, we’ve outlined below a recommended media protocol that will not only set clear expectations for your team but help manage external messaging. The below guidelines provide recommendations for how to handle emails, calls and on-site visits from media, including suggested responses to interview requests.

Media Response Policies

If a reporter emails:
Forward the email to your corporate team, communications department, and/or Fish Consulting. Do not reply to the email until you’ve received direction from one of the above contacts.

If a reporter calls:
Stay calm and professional on the phone. Thank them for the call and say:
“I’m not the right person to speak to you, but I’m happy to take your information, and we will have someone contact you immediately.”
Make sure to gather as much information from the reporter as you can, including their first and last name, media outlet, phone number, email, reason for calling/specific questions they’d like answered and their deadline. Relay all information to your corporate team, communications department, and/or Fish Consulting. 

If a TV cameraman and/or reporter walks in:
Stay calm and professional; always assume that the camera is recording. Politely ask them to leave by saying:
“I’m not the right person to speak to you, if you could please step outside with the camera, I’m happy to take your information, and we will have someone contact you immediately.”
More than likely all of the reporters above will resist your request. Stay calm and professional, and repeat your request, as they may not listen the first time. If they continue to resist, you have the right to contact the authorities to have them removed