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Welcome to the Fish fam, Todd & Noam!

You’ve heard us talk about how awesome 2020 has been for Fish professionally, but the year is already proving to be just as great personally. This month, two of our Fishes got engaged! Ashley and Marisa, let the wedding planning begin 🙂

Marisa & Noam

 Our rockstar office manager was surprised with a proposal during a nighttime stroll along the Hollywood Beach Boardwalk earlier this month. They started the night with dinner at the restaurant where their love story began and ended it engaged. I’m sorry, but I can’t get enough of this story! These two are absolutely meant to be. Noam, you did good 😉

Ashley & Todd

I’ve met Todd a couple of times at our Fish holiday parties and after watching him and Ashley interact, it was obvious this was the real deal. The pair are parents to the most adorable fur babies, have created the cutest home together and Todd is 100% supportive of Ashley’s wine obsession. If that’s not love, I don’t know what is!