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Top Three Newsletters to Subscribe to

We live in a world with a wide range of options for getting our news. Print, online and broadcast come to mind as the main categories, but inside those categories are an infinite number of outlets and publications trying to expose their take on the news. Personally, sitting in front of the TV watching the local news station or scrolling for hours through Twitter is less than ideal. My time is precious and every little bit of it is important. That’s why my latest go-to means of “catching up on the news” is through newsletters. Every morning I find them at the top of my inbox, and I can choose to go through them whenever and wherever I want to. My top pick (at the moment) are:

The Skimm

I  learned about The Skimm as a college intern working at a PR firm in Tallahassee. At first, I wasn’t sure I wanted to receive a daily email telling me what is happening in the world because we already get that online. Boy was I wrong! The Skimm has become a part of my daily morning routine. As I settle into my desk with a cup of coffee, I jump on my email and read a news brief of the latest and greatest. From national news to pop culture, The Skimm takes about a whole 3-5 minutes to read.

Fast Company Compass

Launched in April 2019, Fast Company describes their newest newsletter as the perfect way to read about the most important developments in business, innovation, creativity, and design. You can expect to get a brief synopsis of 9-10 top stories the outlet is featuring online, and you’ll be surprised at how many of these stories will stir your creativity in the workspace.

Thrive Global Daily

If you’re looking for something completely different that isn’t focused on national news and more on wellness and healthy habits, this is for you. With productivity, performance and health tips, I couldn’t think of a more ideal way to start off my mornings. This is also the perfect newsletter to read during lunchtime or when you’re looking for a five minute break from work.