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Know a millennial with a franchisable business? Let us know!

If you’re reading this, you’re likely a part of the vibrant franchising community. And if you’re a part of that community, you probably know a savvy, young entrepreneur whose business has the potential to be the next big thing in franchising.

We — and the IFA Foundation — want to hear all about them. And to give them the chance to win a trip to #IFA2019 (Feb. 24-27, 2019, in Las Vegas), network with top execs in the industry, and a monetary investment to help them grow their businesses.

The deadline to enter the 2019 NextGen in Franchising Global Competition is Aug. 31. Apply at Questions? Email me:

Then, check out some of our past NextGen winners in this month’s issue of Franchising World to read about their success — and how NextGen helped them get there.