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5 tips for mental health and happiness

Set small goals for big wins

We all have our own responsibility nemesis. Mine is laundry. It’s the worst. Sorting, washing, sorting (again!), drying, hanging, ironing, folding, putting everything away. It’s a persistent battle. Instead of letting that beast grow day by day, I’ve chosen to tackle smaller loads throughout the week. Take THAT laundry monster! Moral of the story: fight the good fight, in smaller doses.

Daily affirmations

Mornings are rough. I don’t know about you, but I have a tough time dragging my warm comfy body out of bed in the morning. That was, until I was introduced to morning affirmations. In this article, Rachel Gadiel list 25 morning affirmations and explains the importance of affirmations and your inner voice. Don’t limit yourself to the morning. Affirmations help throughout your day!

Watch your language

Another tip from my yogi family, watch your words. My yoga teacher consistently corrects my verbiage, mid-sentence! I said, “I should bring my friend to class next week” he correct me to day, “I will bring my friend to class next week.” And what do you know… I did! He cautioned me from saying, “make a decision“ and instead explained that I will “make a choice”. There’s power in your voice.

There’s an app for that

If mental health is harder than you thought, don’t be afraid to ask for help. As always, there’s an app out there to guide you. Here are 11 apps that will help you on your way to happiness. Or branch out further and find your own. My personal favorite is rain sounds to calm my mind before bedtime.

Take time for yourself

Remember that your most important self is you! I can guarantee you don’t do this enough. Take a 5-minute meditation session. You, literally, may do this anywhere! Remind yourself that you are loved, cherished and alive. Remind what you’re grateful for, whether that is your good health, your family and friends, or your four-legged companion.