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5 things the show F.R.I.E.N.D.S. taught me

I’ve always been a huge F.R.I.E.N.D.S. fan, but as I enter my late twenties, I’m quickly learning how accurate this show really is in real life. Here are 5 things that really stuck with me in real life from the show.

  1. There’s not enough coffee in the world. If only there was a Central Perk near me that I could spend 90% of my time at.
  2. Don’t be afraid of change. If Rachel can leave her rich fiancé to start over in the city and make a life for herself, so can you.
  3. Don’t worry about what people think. Phoebe always did what she wanted and didn’t care about the opinion of others, and that’s the kind of role models we need!
  4. Couches aren’t easy to move. Especially up the stairs.
  5. Friends really are the family you choose, and the good ones will always be there for you!