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5 Essential e-Newsletters for every PR Pro

In an ideal world, we’d all have an hour in the morning to leisurely read the newspaper, drink our coffee and get caught up on everything going on in the world that day. Unfortunately, any modern PR pro knows that leisure time doesn’t usually have a slot in our day-to-day lives, and our consumption of the news needs to be as fast paced as we are. Considering the fact that staying informed is absolutely essential to being successful in our industry (gotta know the media if you wanna pitch it), this can be a bit of a catch 22. What’s the solution? E-Newsletters – the perfect way to get your daily tidbits of news on the fly. While there are so many good ones out there, here are my top 5 that I consider a huge help in staying informed.

The Daily Skimm
I don’t know anyone who doesn’t subscribe to this one, but if you have been living under a rock and haven’t heard of the beauty that is the Daily Skimm, do yourself a favor and hit subscribe today. It takes just 5 minutes to read through, but gives you all the important who-what-when-where-why details of current events. Perfect for impressing your clients, colleagues, friends and family by dropping nuggets of knowledge on the trans-Atlantic trade deal Congress debated about that morning.

Fast Company – Business + Innovation
Features what Fast Company considers the most important, compelling and thought-provoking news in the worlds of business, tech and innovation. It’s like getting the perfect business contact delivered right to your e-doorstep on an e-silver platter.

New York Times Morning Briefing
I literally live for the Sunday edition of the New York Times (getting in the wedding announcements is the definition of #LifeGoals), but during the week I simply don’t have time to read the paper. Luckily, the NY Times sends the top headlines of the day straight to your inbox, Monday through Friday.

Inc. Today’s Must Reads
Everything that Inc. believes entrepreneurs must know. I’m not an entrepreneur, but plenty of my clients are, which makes this e-Newsletter essential.

This is an opinion-focused e-Newsletter curated by HBO’s Lena Dunham. While it may not connect you with a great reporter, it does provide interesting insight and perspective to many of the issues dominating culture and society today, which can fuel creative thinking on your end.