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3 Things No One Told You About Buying a House

You’ve saved up. You’re ready to take the plunge into home ownership. Goodbye rent, hello mortgage. Now that you’ve got a house, the responsibility of maintaining it kicks in. Here’s a few pointers from my experience.

Outside your home
That lawn is going to keep growing and growing, especially in the rainy season. Keep a budget in mind for lawn maintenance, either do it yourself or hire a company. And for goodness sakes, check your elevation level and ensure your home is higher than the surrounding area!

Future Development
Think about the future and what will be expanding in your area. Are you near a busy road? And empty lot? A construction nightmare? Read your city’s and county’s website to stay up to date on future developments to your area. Also, keep in mind the potential resale value of your future home because no one knows what the future holds and you may need to sell earlier than you imagined.

Weekends Become Home Depot Trips Days
Goodbye social life. Hellooooo Home Depot!! We went to Home Depot for the first month or two after moving into our home. Every weekend was a project or a fix-it item listed from our inspection. Keep a budget ready for those to-do items on your long list. And take it one weekend at a time! THEN treat yourself to a beer or glass of wine. You deserve it ya homeowner!!