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3 Methods to a Positive Morning

Mornings used to be complete madness for me. Especially if I stayed up the night before re-watching The Crown. My morning routine starts with snoozing my Fitbit buzzing alarm, which comes in 9 minute increments and no, I can’t change it! Then checking my calendar from bed, searching for an excuse to stay in bed a little longer. How does one become a morning person? Well, I googled it. Below you’ll find my top three tips to waking up on the right side (and mood) of the bed.

Set a happy tune.

Get rid of that blaring alarm. It’s stressful, loud, and repetative. One of the best things I did for myself was to change my alarm to something more pleasant (confession: it’s music from Howl’s Moving Castle). It starts slow and eases into a soft tune. And if I’m not awake by the end, it’s loud.

Trade coffee for water.

Try making your first sip of the day something wild: Water! Once you’re into this habit, you’ll understand why it’s so helpful. Water helps jump start your metabolism, flush out toxins and provide healthy fuel for your body. Then you can go get that coffee. Your body will thank you.

Morning meditation or daily affirmations.

My mornings changed drastically when I started working a meditation yoga into my daily routine. A gentle routine, starting on my back, ending with a simple minute meditation. Or try affirmations. “I am strong. I am calm. I am ready for my day to begin.” Try thinking of things you’re grateful for. You should be your first priority.