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2019 Resolutions

            I don’t get all the hate behind New Years resolutions. Sure, it’s a cliché concept, but I love the idea of setting your intentions at the beginning of the year and treating January like a fresh slate. No matter how bad your 2018 may have been, New Years is an opportunity to leave behind all of those mistakes, negative memories and anxieties and kick off 2019 with a positive attitude. Given that I’m a pretty ambitious person, naturally I’ve given myself multiple resolutions for this year. While some may view a laundry list of resolutions as setting myself up for failure, I have peace of mind knowing that as long as I stay goal-oriented, I’m positioning myself for an awesome 365 days. Here are my resolutions for making 2019 my best year yet.

  1. Say no more. Most people believe that saying yes to everything will give you a richer, more fulfilled life, but I believe the opposite. Saying yes to every invite and every event in your social calendar just leaves you stretched far too thin. Last weekend was the first weekend of 2019, and I spent it prioritizing nothing but relaxation. As a result, I went into the work week completely refreshed, whereas I’m usually dragging every Monday. You don’t HAVE to go to every birthday brunch and every happy hour. Socializing is great, but so is penciling in some me-time.
  2. Go to yoga more. I’m already a pretty active person, but my workouts of choice tend to be high-energy and intense. While I’ll probably never kick my love of HIIT workouts, I’d like to mix in some yoga at least 2-3 times a week to ensure that I’m doing something good for my body and my mind.
  3. Lay off Amazon. I am obsessed with Amazon (not a rare quality, I know). My neighbors make fun of me regularly due to the stack of packages I almost always have waiting for me at my door. While Amazon is amazing for easily ordering necessities, the convenience factor leads me to making purchases I don’t actually need (like the $30 essential oil package I came home to today).
  4. Do one thing at a time. At any given moment during the work day, I have at least 30 tabs open in my internet browser, and my chaotic browser is a direct reflection of my chaotic mind. Technology has made us readily accessible, and emails popping up throughout the day always make me end up doing 5 things at once instead of focusing on one task at hand at a time. This year, I vow to concentrate on giving every assignment 100% one at a time.
  5. De-clutter.  I’m a Netflix lover, so naturally I caught a few episodes of Marie Kondo’s new series. Her philosophy is all about tidying up, and she says if an item doesn’t bring you joy, then it’s time to toss it. I have dresses hanging in my closet that I’ve had since college because everytime I go to toss them, I say “maybe I’ll wear this to XYZ.” That mentality has left me with a clean, but cluttered, apartment. I’m leaving that in 2018.