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Simple things to help relax

Being in a constant on-the-go environment, we sometimes forget to take a deep breath and relax. Here a few things you can do when you  need a few minutes to relax or recharge.

Take a walk

There are some days that are so busy I barely find time to leave the computer, but it’s important to take a moment and disconnect your mind for a few minutes, especially if you’re feeling overwhelmed or having trouble concentrating. Taking a quick five-minute walk is a great way to clear your mind.


Standing up for a quick stretch can relieve muscle tension and help relax during a stressful workday, especially after sitting at your desk all morning.


When I’m stressed, sometimes it helps to write down my thoughts. Not only does it clear my mind, but writing has a therapeutic element that also helps me destress.

Light a candle

I love candles (I only have, like a million). There’s a lot of aromatherapy scented candles out that can help relax and unwind.