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Organizing Your Work Desk: Tips for Keeping Clean

Having an organized desk will do wonders for your productivity and your mental sanity. When your workspace is cluttered, it may be difficult to focus on the task at hand. Think about it: cluttered workspace = cluttered mind space. You’ll naturally waste valuable time searching for an important document to reference or maybe your favorite pen (for picky people like myself). Having a place for everything and keeping things in their place is a great way to keep your work flowing smoothly. Keeping your desk organized can help you be more productive and reduce stress. It doesn’t have to be difficult or time-consuming.

Here are some tips to help you keep your desk organized:

Clear out the clutter
The very first step to an organized desk MUST be to remove all unnecessary items. Take your time to go through your desk, drawers, closets, etc. Your goal is to remove anything that doesn’t belong or that you no longer need. This could include old papers, pens that don’t work, or even decorations that are distracting. Does this old document serve you? No? TOSS IT (or file it in a safe space). Clean space, clear mind.

Invest in storage solutions
Investing in storage solutions will help you keep your space organized. You’ll need: filing cabinet, drawer dividers, or a desk organizer in order to keep your items in their proper place. Then buy a label maker and go crazy 

Use your calendar
Utilizing your calendar will make a work of difference. Your calendar is there to organize your day-to-day. It will help you keep track of important dates and deadlines. Personally, I utilize several calendars and categorize them. I have calendars for work and personal, and I have set up shared calendars for my family.

Keep your essentials within reach
Keep the items you use frequently within reach, such as pens, pencils, paper clips, and sticky notes. This will help you avoid the need to constantly get up and search for what you need. Remember that desk organizer I mentioned? Yeah, go buy that!!!

Clean up at the end of each day
Take 5 – 10 minutes at the end of each day to clean up your desk. This will help you start the next day with a fresh slate and avoid any distractions or stress that a messy desk can cause. Make it a habit to put everything back in its proper place before leaving your desk for the day.