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Why we all need a work wife

… or work husband. Forgive me; I work in an office full of women so it’s all about the work wife as far as I’m concerned. We all have our own relationships with people outside our workplace. And they’re great. We love our people. But let’s face it. No one understands what we go through on a day-to-day basis better than the people who are in it with us.

Sure, we can go home and vent to our significant others about the rough day we had at work. How our emails and calls went unanswered. How a client gave us an earful about something they’re not happy with. How the boss assigned a massive project and says it’s due in an hour. And because they love us, they’ll sympathize. They’ll let us vent. They’ll even try and give their two cents in an effort to make us feel better. And, because we know they just don’t understand, we’ll aggressively respond with, “you have no idea what you’re talking about,” or “that’s the worst advice ever,” or “do you even know what I do?!” And this, ladies and gentlemen, is why we all need a work wife, or husband. Let’s just call it a work companion for the sake of being inclusive.

Our work companion just gets it.

They’re in the trenches right there with us. They know we’re having a bad day just by looking at us. When everything seems to be spiraling out of control, it’s our work companion who steps in without hesitation to snap us out of it. They don’t sugar coat, they’ll tell us like it is. They’ll give us the pep talk of all pep talks until we realize how awesome we are. They’re the most reliable sounding board and will never shoo us away when we ask for help. And what makes this relationship so great is that everything our work companion does for us, they know we’d do for them too.

So let’s raise our glasses, or coffee mugs, to all the work companions out there who make our days a little brighter, never let us eat lunch alone and, if we’re lucky enough, will greet us each morning with a cup of coffee. And if you really hit the work companion jackpot, you might even have a glass of wine waiting for you when the clock strikes 5 o’clock on Friday.