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5 Things I Learned being an Intern

As probably the longest running summer intern ever (this is my fourth year now!) I thought I would share some tips I’ve learned over the years:

  1. Never say “no”.

It may seem like a lot of work being thrown at you at once, but I promise it will get done and your account managers couldn’t be happier. Just make sure you’ll be able to actually get the job done!

  1. Stay organized.

Again, with all the work thrown at you, it can seem overwhelming. It’s important to write down due dates, or anything else that’s easily forgotten. I personally like to use a planner and color code each account.

  1. Ask questions.

No one expects you to know everything your first day on the job. Don’t be afraid to speak up and ask even the simplest questions. This may seem intimidating at first, but it’s much better to ask and do your work correctly, than to not ask and do it wrong.

  1. Patience is a virtue.

Waiting is such a hard thing to do, especially when you just sent out a pitch and are waiting for that reporter to write you back. But understanding that others are just as, if not even busier than you are will make you a little less anxious waiting for that reply.

  1. Put 100% into everything you do.

From looking up local TV affiliates to writing pitches, everything is equally important in my eyes.